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"Incautious Words": The Premiere-Kvartirnik for the International Women's Day

Join us at American Councils for the celebration of International Women's Day and enjoy the company of other Russian-speakers and learners, romantic music from Alex Samoshkin and his band, sing-alongs (lyrics will be provided), some timeless old hits and friendly atmosphere.

Originally from St. Petersburg (Russia) and a biologist by his professional training, Alexander had discovered his talent in song-writing upon moving to North America. His songs are frequently broadcast on the Russian Radio FM Station (Danu Radio, NYC). A few hits ("Ekaterina”, "Your voice”, "Lads” and others) were voted for as the "best songs” in the Radio Hit Parade.

On March 8, he will perform for the Washingtonian russophiles with the premier of his new album - "Incautious Words". Be the first to hear and appreciate!

If you are not familiar with our guest song-writer, feel free to look-up his recent video-clip, or scroll down the short-list of his recordings. Like it? Feel intrigued or challenged? Please, come and share your opinion - the author and his musicians will totally appreciate your feed-back!

You may purchase the tickets at the special low price of $12 on-line here.

Otherwise, the tickets will be available at the entrance at the standard price $15.

Complimentary snacks and refreshments will be served.

Просмотров: 1034 | Добавил: RusskiyMirDC | Теги: Samoshkin, social gathering, sing-along, Washington, Russian, DC, Women's Day, romantic music, Concert, Incautious Words | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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