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American Councils’ Open House and Third Annual Silent Auction

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Save the date and join American Councils for their 

3rd Annual Silent Auction and Open House

 Friday, September 20th, 6 PM through 9 PM!

In addition to the Silent Auction that benefits some of our fantastic programs, this is also an Open House where we get to showcase our great work with others in the community. 

The Silent Auction will benefit several of American Councils’ programs including ExCEL, which brings Lithuanian high school students to the U.S. for an academic year, the Kosovo American Education Fund, and our new exchange program with Japanese and D.C.-area high school students. Last year proceeds from the fundraiser went to several special projects, including building a volleyball court in Afghanistan. It is because of this event and your support that American Councils continues to have such valuable programs with amazing participants.

Individual tickets start at only $20 and can be purchased here

Food and drinks are included in the cost of tickets, and we have over 50 great auction items available to bid on. Additionally, we will be raffling off an iPad!

For a list of some exciting auction items, visit the event's website

Learn more about American Councils via this promo-video.  

Check out what Olympic Medalist Michelle Kwan says about what we do!   (Click here)

Be an ambassador. Host an ambassador!

Should you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact our employees: Katie Corradini (English):  Kcorradini at americancouncils.org, or Natalia Krylova (Russian): RusskiyMir.WDC at gmail.com

We are looking forward to seeing you at our opening event of the new academic year!

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