The Selected Proceedings of the Conference
"The Years that Changed the World: Reflecting on the Russian-American Past and Framing the Future"
(American Councils for International education. Washington, DC. December 16 - 17, 2012)
- Catherine Trainor. Fort Ross: 200 Years of Multicultural and Multinational Heritage. PowerPoint Presentation.
- Leonard Sanford. "Juno and Avos'": Romantic Echoes from the time of the Russian Dominion in the North American Northwest. PowerPoint Presentation.
- Marina Dullnig. "Good Luck, Captain!" The Back-story of the Shared Victory in WW II. PowerPoint Presentation.
- Natalia Krylova. 1932 - 1937 - 2012. the Milestones of the American Finns' Russian Saga. PowerPoint Presentation.
- Helen Abramova. From Russia with CV: Challenges and Wonders of Professional Relocation in the Russian-American Setting. PowerPoint Presentation.
- Sergey A. Samoilenko. Building Intercultural Bridges through Communication in the Globalization World. PowerPoint Presentation.
- Е.В. Восторгова. Что такое развивающее обучение по системе Д.Б. Эльконина-В.В. Давыдова? PowerPoint Presentation.
- С.Н. Цейтлин. Освоение языка как творчество (устная речь). PowerPoint Presentation.
- С.Н. Цейтлин. Освоение языка как творчество (письменная речь). PowerPoint Presentation.
- С.В. Волков. Преподавание литературы в школе: дифициты и пути их преодоления. PowerPoint Presentation.
- Н. Колодина. Языковая игра как средство обучения русскому языку. PowerPoint Presentation.